Sunday 29 March 2015

Feeling Blue...

The Lone Blue Wolf

Yesterday morning my alarm woke me early for a long walk before we headed to London. Leaving the wolf and fox home with neighbours checking in on them. Sitting with my coffee I receive a call. My Mal is now blue. After playing detective it seemed Okami had got into my artist oils, chosen a very beautiful blue hue and painted himself...then obviously the floor, sofa etc. Today we continued the clean up mission and after a long lovely walk, ending in a run over the common, I shampooed the beast. In the process I, myself, became shampooed and sodden. Okami was unimpressed and angry at the shampooing, so we are now still making friends again. I'm spoiling him with treats and he is resting on the sofa. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have my smiling boy back when he sees his best friend. At least he is less blue than in the below photos now and not spreading the oil paint.

Strong winds have blown through the village knocking plant pots over, bins, fences and trees. As found on our walk today. So strong were the gales it was difficult to breathe and walk in the open. This was just one of many huge branches we found broken.

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